Hot programming languages to learn in 2022 , Not on trends but on purpose.

6 min readMar 19, 2022

Hey everyone ! This is a very important question and the most asked Question. Today I am going to share with you which programming language you must learn and why you must learn in 2022.

The world of programming is dynamic. It means the need for language changes according to duration. Every year we see a new language. Everyone gives us feedback on which language we have to learn. But it's not about which language you must've learned , I would like to ask you what your purpose is in learning a programming language. Why do you want to learn a programming language ?

Well you have answers like I want to create softwares , Applications and websites. Anyone wants to learn a programming language for fun then you have Python.
Nowadays trends are going up for python, many elders giving us advice to learn python because it's easy to write and learn. Python syntax is simple but it's not mean that this language is best for you and easy. I don't think python is easy and also I don't prefer to learn Only python.

I want to suggest Amazing programming languages you should learn in 2022 according to your purpose.

Today there are hundreds of languages and we need to sort these languages according to our needs.

Define your purpose

First you have to define the purpose why you are learning programming. What inspired you to learn programming. For eg : I am learning programming because I want to know how software works and what code looks like. Yes, that's funny. But that's my curiosity.

I learned my first programming language in my 11th class. My first language is C++ Cplusplus is the superset of C language. It's a low level language. I learnt C++ but still my purpose is not fulfilled.

I see there are many languages like C, C++, Python, Javascript , Go, Typescript, Dart etc. I decided to make a mobile app. I realised learning C, C++ don't help me to make mobile apps, then I searched on Google which languages are used for creating mobile apps?

I got my answer. For creating mobile apps I need to learn "Flutter" ,"Dart '',"Kotlin","React Native"," Swift" and Java. Again there are tons of languages to learn. Now we have taken priority to one language from our purpose related language set.

Either I should learn Flutter Dart, Kotlin, Java and React Native. You can sort this language set, applying some rules like performance, learning curve, documentation.,use of the language etc.

Your purpose list will be
Learning programming because ,

I want to make mobile apps
I want to make website
I want to make Games
I want to make windows apps
I want to make software
I want to make blockchain apps
I want to learn data science
I want to learn artificial intelligence

Maybe your purpose by default belongs to the above list.

Let's see which language you should learn for the above purpose.

Languages you should learn to make beautiful Mobile Apps.

Programming languages divided according to operating system. If you don't know operating system then will tell in short "operating system is a program which is interface between hardware and software"
If you are using an android phone then you should know that android is the name of the operating system.

Now you have an idea , if you have to make android apps then you should learn Java, Kotlin, Flutter Dart, React Native. Again if you are developing apps for Apple iPhone then you should learn Flutter Dart, Swift , React Native.

Apple iphone works on iOS operating, before you create a mobile app for Android and Apple iPhone you have to select language according to operating system.

But don't worry about learning different operating systems. Nowadays we have special languages like Flutter Dart, React native for both platforms. So, I will recommend you should learn Flutter Dart in 2022 for creating beautiful mobile apps.

Languages you should learn to make Windows Apps

Nowadays billions of people are using Mobile phones but still for office work they need laptop , computers. Windows is a serious operating system. They have different versions of windows. For eg : windows 7 , windows 10 etc.

If you want to create window apps you have to learn c, c++ , java. Their so, many languages which runs on windows operating system. But mostly C, C++ and Java used for Creating windows applications. My recommendation is you should learn c,c++, dart for developing windows applications. For Apple's Macos you can use Dart language which is developed by Google.

Languages you should learn to make websites

Nowadays the web is trending on the top.
Each company must require a website.
Web apps are going to boost. Web Apps , websites run in browsers , you don't need to worry about operating systems.

If you want to make a static website or dynamic website or web app you can use HTML5, CSS3, php and Dart, Javascript, React js , Angular js and other javascript frameworks and libraries.

For developing Web Apps you have to learn Dart, ReactJs, AngularJS and different javascript web apps frameworks.

I recommend you should learn ReactJs , AngularJS , Flutter for web in 2022.

Languages you should learn to make Games

If you want to develop Games like video Games, educational Games for desktop then you need to learn C,C++ and HTML5 canvas and JavaScript for web browser based games.

Nowadays there are different types of softwares where you can easily make video Games like the Unity game engine.

For games I would like to recommend learning python , c++. Why this recommendation because C++ is the fastest language. C++ Renders graphics faster and python syntax is easy so, you can build strong logic for your next game.

One of the easiest ways to make games and publish them immediately on a browser. Where millions of users browse content. You can make games using HTML5 Canvas and JavaScript in very less time.

Languages you should learn to make softwares

As a student of computer science everyone wants to create softwares but 80% of students don't know what software is? Let me define software in short definition
"Software is the collection of programs which perform different tasks and solve specific problems."

There are different types of softwares like Application software, system software , networking software, Data manipulation software , Image, video editing softwares."

You can use C/C++, Go, Java , Dart , python for software development. I recommend you learn C/C++ and python.

Languages you should learn to make blockchain apps

The most trending technology nowadays is Smart Contracts, Blockchain , Cryptography, Cryptocurrency , NFTs. Blockchain gives us different ways to explore its Applications in the real world. This is not a new technology in 2022 but mostly trending in 2022. Different companies like facebook metaverse investing in blockchain applications and NFTs.

If you want to create blockchain you need to learn c/c++ and networking concepts.

We know that there are different blockchain like Bitcoin , Ethereum. Etherium gives us the opportunity to make Decentralised Apps, we can make these Dapps using solidity. Etheuriam developed blockchain now we can use their blockchain to distribute our apps on blockchain. We can use blockchain as a backend for our decentralised apps.

I want to recommend you to learn solidity to make Decentralised apps on Ethereum Blockchain. Using solidity programming language we can build smart contracts for our dapps. You can learn solidity by visiting the Ethereum solidity website.

Languages you should learn for data science

The most highest paying job nowadays is data science. Data is a very essential asset of each and every business, mostly Technology companies hiring data scientists.

For data science I recommend learning python. Because it has required data science libraries which are helpful in making analysis of data. Python makes data access easy from different types of databases.
You can learn R , Python for data science.

Languages you should learn for artificial intelligence

AI (Artificial Intelligence) is going to change the future of computers. Today we have amazing applications of Al and ML. AI can manipulate your image pixels and Auto enhances the quality of images.

Artificial intelligence depends on algorithms, machine learning models, Neural Networks and Dataset.

Python is the best language for artificial intelligence. You can build machine learning models using python. My recommendation is that you should learn Pycharm, Tensorflow, and Ml5 for artificial intelligence.

This is how you can choose which language you should have to learn in 2022. This guide definitely helps you to sort our important languages according to your needs and purpose of learning programming.




I love to share what i learned. Writing is my passion. I am curious.